
Vittima: Simex Defence Inc

ID: 4797 rilevato il 02-10-2022 23:27:45 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Simex Defence is a Canadian provider of defence-related procurement and distribution services working for the Canadian military and other countries alongside private warlords, serving the customers’ needs in aerospace, land, and marine applications. It has the scale, know-how, resources, and relationships to deliver the broadest range of defence products as well as manage complex manufacturing requirements for the defence industry. Founded in 1994, Simex has quickly grown to become a major distributor of military parts with the largest proprietary database of suppliers and partners. After a long history of reliability, partnership, and quality control, it has become a trusted provider of procurement and distribution services to the defence industry.

Hash di rilevamento: 6eb25db7205e3938584339ecc08421e3d61258891d1386770fe64d7c3e644718
Vittima localizzata in: N/D
Sito web: https://simexdefence.com/
Settore lavorativo: Retail (distribution)

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