
Vittima: Walker SCM

ID: 6383 rilevato il 09-03-2023 16:40:33 dal gruppo royal
Descrizione: Walker SCM, LLC provides Global Supply Chain Services ranging from Transportation (Air and Ocean Freight Forwarding) to Warehousing Solutions that also include specialized value added services. We have stolen from their network 20GB in total, including: HR;Work files;Finance;Clients and others.Feel free to check!Archive password: 4+"JdvDyH[a4:o@9D,b$wy!'~W]~jrk/z_"yiz
Hash di rilevamento: 7b3aff1bc7fa48c06ee7550e478ade38ccfbef09a01352c02d2e7f049cbb6108
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: http://www.walkerscm.com
Settore lavorativo: Transport

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