
Vittima: Lake Dallas Independent School District

ID: 7497 rilevato il 24-04-2023 02:31:37 dal gruppo royal
Descrizione: Lake Dallas Independent School District has a vibrant, growing student population, an excellent array of programs, a strong curriculum, and a progressive, innovative atmosphere. Seems like everything is on the best level but its not. Gygabytes of students' and their staff personal information is not a thing to worry about. A few hundreds of SSNs and array of passport information will be available here on Monday. This is the result of being non-progressive in cybersecurity.Enjoy!

Hash di rilevamento: a4374fbbb942ff32a471638abf86d3ab5fc0502bbadf81892c41f70819db8c24
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: http://www.ldisd.net
Settore lavorativo: Schools

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