
Vittima: Alto Calore Servizi S.p.A.

ID: 7620 rilevato il 02-05-2023 09:15:08 dal gruppo medusa
Descrizione: Alto Calore Servizi S.p.A., abbreviated ACS, was established on March 13, 2003. Alto Valore Servizi is a joint stock company consisting of 126 shareholders: 125 municipalities in the province of Avellino and Benevento and the administration of the province of Avellino. Alto Calore Servizi works in the field of collection and distribution of drinking water, sewerage and wastewater treatment.

Hash di rilevamento: 933cb6a6bb93b2409702f6db10bc888cf957b6e64bd63ff6c9e65efb8a4fd300
Vittima localizzata in: Italy
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Water distribution and supply

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