
Vittima: FRESCA

ID: 7908 rilevato il 22-05-2023 02:41:39 dal gruppo snatch
Descrizione: Fresca is a grapefruit-flavored citrus soft drink created by The Coca-Cola Company.Borrowing the word Fresca (meaning "fresh") from Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, it was introduced in the United States in 1966. Originally a bottled sugar-free diet soda, sugar sweetened versions were introduced in some markets.

Hash di rilevamento: b300d0c5e8c118e1f1f16cf9e854ab8fad26d4b102bf5e2e6c898da3b5472005
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Food and drinks businesses

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