
Vittima: Good Oil Company

ID: 8097 rilevato il 28-05-2023 16:42:02 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: https://goodoilcompany.com/contactGood Oil Company was founded by Don O. Good Sr. in 1941. When Don Sr. retired, his two sons, Don and Dean, assumed operation of the company. Based out of Monterey, Indiana, the company was involved mainly in the sale and delivery of petroleum products to farm and home heat customers. Don became a Standard Oil/Amoco jobber and continued to grow his business until his retirement in 1978. In 1980, they relocated the business to its current office in Winamac.(574) 946-4863+1 805-279-8265+1 574-225-1543

Hash di rilevamento: a51f13278ba0b3fda04cd1eb4aec4c9f713248b1bf3081ec46b0f78c68196fc9
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Oil

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