
Vittima: ARCHI+

ID: 6853 rilevato il 03-04-2023 19:11:43 dal gruppo stormous
Descrizione: Archiplus principal office is in Hong Kong, its wholly owned subsidiary company in the same name is registered in Beijing with offices in the United Kingdom, New York and Sydney. Our associate companies consist of Archiplus International (HK) Limited and Zhong Tian Yuan Architects & Engineers Limited which is a Class A architectural firm based in Beijing and qualified to practice in all cities in China

Hash di rilevamento: 6c383647772311ad7d4fbaaddd6fc833968ca0b9a28825d0216188264c9f2255
Vittima localizzata in: Hong Kong
Sito web: https://www.archiplusinter.com
Settore lavorativo: Architecture

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